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Study and Social Groups

​Women's Ministry Group


Led by Sarah Collister


Tuesdays, 6.30 pm - 8 pm (from Tuesday 30 April), Liddon Room


The Pusey House Women's Group will convene on Tuesdays from 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm for food, fellowship, prayer and study. This term, we will be reading a book by the late nun and scholar Sister Benedicta Ward, SLG. 


For more information, please contact:




In attentiveness, the absence of the "I": exploring the essays of Simone Weil


Led by Chris Jones and Ruth Danstål


Thursdays at 9.30 am (from Thursday 25 April), Liddon Room


Simone Weil, the 20th century French mystic and philosopher, was described by T. S. Eliot as 'a kind of saint'. We will read together and discuss essays collected in her Waiting on God, on topics such as 'What is the true character of educational study?' and the relation between affliction and the love of God, as well as her (so-called) Spiritual Autobiography. Simone Weil's writings combine almost unparalleled profundity of thought with simplicity of expression and lively, original metaphors, boldness of ideas and purity of spirit, Platonism and Christianity. As she saw it, since Christ is Truth, all that is true is implicitly Christian.


For more information, please contact:




​Catholic Christian Ethics


Led by Phillip Quinn


Fridays at 9.30 am (from Friday 26 April), Liddon Room


This term, the Catholic Christian Basics series turns its attention to Christian ethics: who Christians understand God to be, who they understand themselves to be, and what that understanding means for how one ought to live. We will be reading selections from R. L. Ottley's Christian Ideas and Ideals, supplemented by selections from Francis Hall.


For more information, please contact:



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